David Fry
Memorial Bursary Fund
David Fry left an invaluable legacy to amateur sport in Nova Scotia and in Canada: the legacy of his character. Character built on commitment, intensity, discipline, effort, and desire.
The David Fry Memorial Bursary has been established to remember David, his contributions to competitive swimming in Nova Scotia, and to encourage swimmers toward excellence. David’s coaching career in swimming spanned over forty years.
Each year awards may be made from the Fund to promising, Nova Scotia swimmers to assist them to continue their training, education, and pursuit of their swimming goals as they pursue their University education.
All competitive amateur swimmers registered with Swim Nova Scotia that are graduating high school will be eligible to submit applications; they must intend to further their education and continue to swim competitively with a Nova Scotia University program that is affiliated with the AUS.
Completed applications may be submitted to Swim Nova Scotia annually by June 30.
Application forms and an overview are available below.
Thanks to all of those that have made contributions- unfortunately we are not able to issue tax receipts at this time.
Help make David Fry’s memory live on. Make a contribution to the Bursary in his name. Contributions may be made payable to ‘Swim Nova Scotia David Fry Bursary” and mailed to Swim Nova Scotia: 5516 Spring Garden Rd. 4th Floor, Halifax, N.S. B3J 1G6 or an email money transfer may be sent to: swimming@sportnovascotia.ca