September 14, 2021

Nova Scotia will remain in Phase 4 of their reopening plan until October 4, 2021, when they anticipate entering phase five. 

Swim Nova Scotia approved clubs can continue to practice and train with up to 50 people indoors and outdoors without social distancing in each field of play. If your facility requires a copy of the exemption letter for our group size of 50, please ask your Facility Manager to contact me directly:

Approved Clubs are required to submit a copy of their revised schedule and group lists ASAP – thank you to those Clubs that have already done this. Coaches must continue to do daily health-monitoring using the checklist previously circulated.

Provincial Vaccine Policy (not yet finalized):

Starting October 4th, people who are 12 and older will need to provide proof of full vaccination to participate in most events and activities that bring groups of people together. While the policy is not yet final, it will apply to participants and spectators for indoor and outdoor sports practices, games, competitions, and tournaments as well as indoor and outdoor extracurricular school-based activities, including sports.

Please note that an exemption policy for people who cannot get vaccinated because of a valid medical or behavioural reason is being developed. 

Children who turned 12 years of age between January 1 and October 4 this year will have until December 31 to attend events and activities while they get vaccinated; children who turn 12 years old after October 4 will have three months from their birthday to get vaccinated. 

People are considered to be fully vaccinated 14 days after their second dose of a World Health Organization (WHO) approved vaccine or the one-dose Janssen vaccine, which is also WHO-approved.

Swim Nova Scotia will be required to follow the Vaccine Policy as outlined by Public Health once it becomes official. This is NOT Swim Nova Scotia’s policy – this is the Province of Nova Scotia’s Policy. A plan to administer the vaccine policy will be established by Swim Nova Scotia, further details will be shared once we receive more information from the Province.

Any member participating in Swim Nova Scotia activities, such as, any team function, including, but not limited to pool/dryland training and competitions will be required to meet the Provinces vaccine policy requirements. 

Additional details and up to date information can be found on the Nova Scotia Provincial Government webpage. A copy of today’s press release can be found here

We are continuing to work closely with the province and will keep you updated as more information is received.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime!




