COVID-19 Update

Swim NS Members,

New guidelines came into effect today for self-isolation for close contacts, please visit the following page for details: If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive, there are new guidelines for self-isolation, follow the steps on the following page:

A summary of the above changes is available in Wednesday’s press release.

Clubs are reminded to notify me of all positive cases on your team as soon as you are notified (please identify if it’s a swimmer or a coach – names are not required).

  • What to do if a member of your team tests positive for COVID-19:

    • The member should self-isolate immediately and follow the steps outlined by Public Health and the Province:

    • As soon as you are notified, please determine when they were last at practice and which group(s) they may have been in contact with for the 2 days prior to their positive test result

    • The members in their group are now identified as a close contact and should follow the steps outlined by the Province (see below)

  • What to do if a member of your team is a close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19:

Please note that there are no changes to Swim Nova Scotia's Vaccination Policy circulated on September 29th, 2021. It is recommended that members that are now eligible (children 5 to 11) for vaccination do so.

Let me know if you have any other questions!




COVID-19 Update


COVID-19 Update