Upcoming Office Closure

Swim NS would like to extend a big thank you to our Program Coordinators, Liam Ferguson and Darby Gielewski for a great job this summer!! They have worked very hard delivering virtual events to our Summer Clubs and provided a lot of assistance behind the scenes to the year-round teams!  Any further inquiries related to summer swimming can be directed to the following email address: swimming@sportnovascotia.ca starting Monday August 23rd.

The Swimming Canada Registration system will be closed for maintenance from 12:00am (Midnight) EDT Monday August 23rd, re-opening September 1st. Waivers and affiliation documents must be received to re-gain access to the system on or after September 1st.

Year-Round Clubs are reminded to submit Club affiliation documents by the end of the day September 6th, 2021 (please refer to the Registration email that was sent on July 6th).

Summer Clubs will receive information on year-round training and affiliation information in early September.

Please note that the Swim Nova Scotia office will be closed  Friday August 27th – Tuesday August 7th, 2021 – during this time our Executive Director will be on vacation.


COVID-19 Update


2021 Swim NS Virtual Summer Provincial Championships Summary