Latest News

Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

February AAA, AA & Varsity Dual Meet Information

We are excited to host the AAA, AA & Varsity meets this weekend at Dalplex. All meets will follow Provincial COVID-19 Regulations.

Head Coaches have received detailed information on how each meet will run. Please be sure you contact your Head Coach for more information.

  • Assignment of Meet Officials are now available, if you are interested in help to time for any session, please email: Swim NS

  • Officials should refer to the email sent on Thursday evening at approximately 9:30pm for arrival information (yellow indicates Group 1 officials & blue indicates Group 2 officials)

  • There is no spectator access to any of the swim meets this weekend at Dalplex

  • Live webcast for the AAA & AA meets will be available at the following link:

  • The live results will be available on meet mobile and on the Swim Nova Scotia webpage

  • Please note that each meet will be run differently - it is important that swimmers know how their meet is being run and how to enter/exit the building

  • There are new start/finish times for the AA Short Course meet - see the details below


AAA Long Course Session Reports as of Feb 23

AAA Long Course Meet Psych Sheets as of Feb 23


AAA Assignment of Officials Friday PM v2

AAA Assignment of Officials Saturday AM


The AA Meet has been split into two meets with updated start times:

12 & Under Swimmers- Saturday warm-ups 3:30pm (arrival 3:15pm), swim meet 4:00-5:00pm. Sunday warm-ups 8:00am (arrival 7:45am), swim meet 8:30-9:30am

AA 12 & Under Short Course Meet Session Reports as of Feb 23

AA 12 & Under Short Course Meet Psych Sheets as of Feb 23

AA 12 & Under Short Course Meet - GROUPS & FACILITY INFORMATION

AA Assignment of Officials Saturday PM - 12 & Under v2

AA Assignment of Officials Sunday AM - 12 & Under v2

13 & Older - Saturday warm-ups 5:30pm (arrival 5:15pm), swim meet 6:00-8:00pm, Sunday warm-ups 10:00am (arrival 9:45am), swim meet 10:30-12:45pm

AA 13 & Older Short Course Meet Session Reports as of Feb 23

AA 13 & Older Short Course Meet Psych Sheets as of Feb 23

AA 13 & Older Short Course Meet - GROUPS & FACILITY INFORMATION

AA Assignment of Officials Saturday PM - 13 & Over

AA Assignment of Officials Sunday AM - 13 & Over

AUS NS Dual Meet

AUS Dual Meet Session Reports as of Feb 23

AUS Dual Meet Psych Sheets as of Feb 23


AUS Varsity Dual Meet Assignment of Officials Saturday PM v2

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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary


Today the Provincial government announced that starting 12:01am Monday March 7, 2022, the following changes in restrictions will go into effect:

  • Competition and events are no longer limited to the regular competitive schedule; bringing together teams or participants that typically do not play one another is allowed – for Swim Nova Scotia member clubs, this means that we can welcome swimmers from out of Province!

  • Spectators will be permitted following the formal gathering limit - 75 per cent of the venue’s capacity – Clubs should work with their facilities on spectator access and limits

  • Sport training, practice and competition remains at a maximum of 60 participants indoors and outdoors without physical distancing – there is no change to Swim Nova Scotia member clubs with the current regulations 

  • Also, as of Monday, February 28 there will no longer be a requirement to show proof of vaccine before participating in non-essential, discretionary events and activities

  • The province also announced that as of Monday, March 21 there will no longer be any COVID-19 restrictions for sport – Swim Nova Scotia is excited to host our Provincial Championships the following weekend!

 Additional details and up to date information can be found on the Nova Scotia Provincial Government webpage. A copy of today’s press release can be found here

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me!




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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

COVID-19 Update

Today the Provincial government announced that starting at 12:01am Monday February 14, 2022, some restrictions will be eased across the province.

Below outlines the first step in a three phase/step process. This phase is currently planned to last about a month.  The situation will be evaluated on a week-to-week basis and only when it is safe to do so the restrictions will aim to move into the second step.


Practice and Training 

  • Training group sizes of up to 60 indoors or outdoors in a field of play*

    • Training groups include coaches, but not facility staff

    • Training groups do not require any physical distancing

    • Masks are recommended when possible

*Contact Swim NS to determine the number of available fields of play in your specific facility

Spectators During Practice and Training

  • Spectators will be permitted following the formal gathering limit – 50% of the venue’s capacity

  • Pending facility regulations

Sanctioned Competitions

  • Group sizes of up to 60 in a field of play*

  • Spectators may be prohibited by Swim NS to accommodate additional fields of play for swimmers, coaches, and officials

Swim Nova Scotia will resume sanctioned Year-Round and Master’s sanctioned competitions starting the week of February 14th. An updated Schedule of Events will be distributed to teams later today and it will be posted on our webpage

Additional details and up to date information can be found on the Nova Scotia Provincial Government webpage. A copy of today’s press release can be found here.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me!




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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

COVID-19 Update

Today the Provincial government announced that starting Monday February 7, 2022, restrictions will ease for sporting practices. All other restrictions will remain in place until February 14, 2022. 


Practice and Training is Permitted

  • A single training group size of up to 25 indoors or 50 outdoors

    • This single training group includes coaches, but not facility staff

    • This single training group does not require any physical distancing or masks


  • Multiple training group sizes of 10 indoors in each field of play OR 25 outdoors (as you have currently been operating)

    • Group training sizes do not require any physical distancing or masks while in the field of play

    • Physical distancing must be maintained between different groups

    • If coaches can maintain physical distancing from each training group, they would not be considered part of the training group and can coach multiple groups 

Head Coaches are required to submit up to date training schedules and group lists to Swim Nova Scotia.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like clarification specific to your facility space/access.

*This option is not clearly outlined in today’s press release; however, Swim Nova Scotia has received confirmation from the province.

Spectators Prohibited

No Spectators will be allowed for any activities

Sanctioned Competitions

Continue to be suspended, including sanctioned in-house time trials

Information regarding competitive opportunities for age group & varsity swimmers will be discussed with Head Coaches next week.

Additional details and up to date information can be found on the Nova Scotia Provincial Government webpage. A copy of today’s press release can be found here.

We anticipate further updates from the province following the February 9th press conference.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me!




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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

IMReady for 2022 Virtual Challenge Results

Swim Nova Scotia is pleased to publish the results (as of Feb 3) from the IMReady for 2022 Virtual Challenge! Over 300 swimmers from 8 age group & varsity clubs participated in the challenge - the challenge window was January 7-30, 2022 and was coach led!

Draw prize winners can be found here - swimmers will receive either a pair of goggles or a KidSport toque!!

Congratulations everyone!

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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

COVID-19 Update

Today the Provincial government announced restrictions currently in effect, including those related to sporting activities will remain in place until February 14th, 2022.  

During the briefing the Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang indicated “We will continue to monitor closely, and we recognize the importance of activities like sports, arts and cultures to mental and physical health; we will open those activities sooner if possible.”


Sanctioned Competitions

Continue to be suspended, including sanctioned in-house time trials

Information regarding competitive opportunities for age group & varsity swimmers will be discussed with Head Coaches in early February.

Practice and Training is Permitted

  • Training group sizes of 10 indoors in each field of play OR 25 outdoors

  • Group training sizes do not require any physical distancing or masks while in the field of play

  • Physical distancing must be maintained between different groups

  • If coaches can maintain physical distancing from each training group, they would not be considered part of the training group and can coach multiple groups

Head Coaches are required to submit up to date training schedules and group lists to Swim Nova Scotia.

Spectators Prohibited

No Spectators will be allowed for any activities

Travel for Sport Limitations Still in Place

Children aged 11 and younger continue to be restricted from entering Nova Scotia to participate in sports and from participating in them outside Nova Scotia.

COVID Close Contacts

Please continue to follow the most up to date regulations from Public Health available on this webpage.

Additional details and up to date information can be found on the Nova Scotia Provincial Government webpage. A copy of today’s press release can be found here.

As further information is received from the province, it will be communicated as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me!



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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

COVID-19 Update

Swim NS Members,

New guidelines came into effect today for self-isolation for close contacts, please visit the following page for details: If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive, there are new guidelines for self-isolation, follow the steps on the following page:

A summary of the above changes is available in Wednesday’s press release.

Clubs are reminded to notify me of all positive cases on your team as soon as you are notified (please identify if it’s a swimmer or a coach – names are not required).

  • What to do if a member of your team tests positive for COVID-19:

    • The member should self-isolate immediately and follow the steps outlined by Public Health and the Province:

    • As soon as you are notified, please determine when they were last at practice and which group(s) they may have been in contact with for the 2 days prior to their positive test result

    • The members in their group are now identified as a close contact and should follow the steps outlined by the Province (see below)

  • What to do if a member of your team is a close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19:

Please note that there are no changes to Swim Nova Scotia's Vaccination Policy circulated on September 29th, 2021. It is recommended that members that are now eligible (children 5 to 11) for vaccination do so.

Let me know if you have any other questions!



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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

COVID-19 Update

January 5, 2022

Today the Provincial government announced restrictions currently in effect, including those related to sporting activities will remain in place until at least January 31, 2022.  


Sanctioned Competitions

Continue to be suspended, including sanctioned in-house time trials

The following competitions have been cancelled:

  • AUS Invitational – January 15-16

  • LCM AGD AAA #1 – January 21-22

  • NT #3 North, South & Central – January 22 & 23

  • AA #1 – January 29 – 30

Please note that Swim Nova Scotia is working with the province to determine if we can allow sanctioned in-house time trials. Information will follow. 

Practice and Training is Permitted

  • Training group sizes of 10 indoors in each field of play OR 25 outdoors

  • Group training sizes do not require any physical distancing or masks while in the field of play

  • Physical distancing must be maintained between different groups

  • It is recommended that a training group stay together as a single training group for the day if there are multiple practices

  • If coaches can maintain physical distancing from each training group, they would not be considered part of the training group and can coach multiple groups

Spectators Prohibited

No Spectators will be allowed for any activities

Travel for Sport Limitations Still in Place

Children aged 11 and younger continue to be restricted from entering Nova Scotia to participate in sports and from participating in them outside Nova Scotia.

Additional details and up to date information can be found on the Nova Scotia Provincial Government webpage. A copy of today’s press release can be found here.

As further information is received from the province, it will be communicated as soon as possible.




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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

COVID-19 Update/Reminders

Swim NS Members,

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays with friends, family and loved ones and had some time to rejuvenate!

As many of you continue to train, or are planning to return to training soon here are some reminders based on the current COVID regulations:

  • Group sizes are limited to no more than 10 (no physical distancing or masks within the group) until at least January 12th*:

    • See December 21, 2021, COVID Update

  • Sanctioned competitions are suspended – I will keep you posted on the meets scheduled later this month

*It is likely that the January 12th date will be extended – once we know more information it will be communicated asap.

All Head Coaches are reminded to send me your updated training schedules and training groups before you return to training (and any changes along the way). Thank you to those who have already done so.

As the COVID cases rise across the Province, it is important that you follow the Provincial regulations should anyone on your team test positive or become a close contact. 

  • What to do if a member of your team tests positive for COVID-19:

    • The member should self-isolate immediately and follow the steps outlined by Public Health and the Province based on how they did their test (rapid vs PCR):

    • As soon as you are notified, please determine when they were last at practice and which group(s) they may have been in contact with for the 2 days prior to their positive test result

      • The members in their group are now identified as a close contact and should follow the steps outlined by the Province (see below)

    • Please notify me of all positive cases on your team as soon as you are notified (please identify if it’s a swimmer or a coach – no name is required)

  • What to do if a member of your team is a close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19:

If there are further updates following the Wednesday January 5th Press Conference, I will send information to the membership as soon as possible.

Let me know if you have any other questions!



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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

Happy Holidays from Swim Nova Scotia

On behalf of Swim Nova Scotia, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you, including our Coaches, Board of Directors, Club Board Presidents/Members and Officials for your support, guidance, and patience during the past year.

It has been a very trying and difficult year, but all things considered, we had a lot of success in and out of the pool. We should all be very proud of what our members have accomplished throughout 2021!


Congratulations to the following swimmers who were identified and participated in Swimming Canada initiatives:

• Owen Nicholson (HTAC) –Tokyo2Paris Virtual Distance Camp, November 2021

• Alexander Bouchard (HTAC) – 2021 Youth Relay Initiative, April 2021

Congratulations to HTAC coaches, Mark McGrann & Chris Cormier who were also part of the above initiatives!

The following swimmers achieved Nova Scotia Short Course Provincial Records 2021:


  • Shane Kenney (ACAD) –

    • Senior 50m Butterfly 24.51, 23.99

  • Christian Payne (DAL) –

    • Senior 50m Backstroke 24.39

  • Adam Bouma (DAL) –

    • Senior 100m Breaststroke 1:02.06, 1:01.87

Age Group

  • Marion Synishin (HTAC) –

    • 15-17 200m Breaststroke 2:31.72

    • 15-17 100m Breaststroke 1:10.87, 1:10.36

    • 15-17 50m Breaststroke 32.72

  • Julie Nolan-McCarthy –

    • 13-14 200m Breaststroke 2:38.69 (HTAC)

    • 13-14 100m Breaststroke 1:12.72 (DCSC)


  • Alfred Lai (CGC) –

    • 11-12 100m Individual Medley 1:20.71

  • Adam Culbert (BWB) –

    • 17-18 50m Backstroke 31.66


  • Keitha Robert (HTAC) –

    • 100m Butterfly 1:15.44

    • 100m Individual Medley 1:15.15


It’s with much appreciation that I extend a thanks to all our coaches, specifically, Head Coaches for their efforts in overcoming many challenges presented upon them over the last twelve months. There efforts have not gone unrecognized – thank you coaches!

Congratulations to the following coaches who were recently identified by Swimming Canada to participate for an additional year in the Select Coaches Group:

  • Miranda Bates (TCSC)

  • Mark McGrann (HTAC)

  • Zoe Miles (SWAT)

Special congratulations to Zoe Miles, who was selected as an Assistant Coach with Swimming Canada’s World Short Course Team and is returning from Abu Dhabi, UAE this week – one of Canada’s top International performing teams in history!! She also participated in their Virtual 400m+ Freestyle Camp earlier this year. Well done Zoe!


Many thanks for all the time and effort that our officials devote to swimming in our province and beyond, our events would not be successful without your support!

Congratulations to the following officials who were appointed to Swimming Canada working groups:

  • Kelley Polley - Officials Competitions Rules Committee (OCRC)

  • Diane MacKenzie – Officials Certification Pathway Review Committee


I would like to acknowledge the hard work by all Board Members – not only the Swim Nova Scotia Board of Directors, but the individual Club Boards. As volunteers, you have been an asset to supporting our organization, coaches, and swim club’s during very difficult times. Thank you for your continued dedication to swimming!

Holiday Virtual Office Partial Closure

The Swim NS virtual office will close December 22nd and reopen January 4th. I will, however, be available via email should there be any provincial regulation changes related to COVID and to provide support to coaches/clubs that are continuing to train.

I wish everyone a happy and joyous holiday season.

Here’s to a great 2022!

All the best,


On behalf of Swim Nova Scotia, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you, including our Coaches, Board of Directors, Club Board Presidents/Members and Officials for your support, guidance, and patience during the past year.  

It has been a very trying and difficult year, but all things considered, we had a lot of success in and out of the pool.  We should all be very proud of what our members have accomplished throughout 2021!


Congratulations to the following swimmers who were identified and participated in Swimming Canada initiatives:

  • Owen Nicholson (HTAC) –Tokyo2Paris Virtual Distance Camp, November 2021

  • Alexander Bouchard (HTAC) – 2021 Youth Relay Initiative, April 2021

Congratulations to HTAC coaches, Mark McGrann & Chris Cormier who were also part of the above initiatives!

The following swimmers achieved Nova Scotia Short Course Provincial Records 2021:


  • Shane Kenney (ACAD) – 

    • Senior 50m Butterfly 24.51, 23.99

  • Christian Payne (DAL) – 

    • Senior 50m Backstroke 24.39

  • Adam Bouma (DAL) – 

    • Senior 100m Breaststroke 1:02.06, 1:01.87

Age Group

  • Marion Synishin (HTAC) – 

    • 15-17 200m Breaststroke 2:31.72

    • 15-17 100m Breaststroke 1:10.87, 1:10.36

    • 15-17 50m Breaststroke 32.72

  • Julie Nolan-McCarthy – 

    • 13-14 200m Breaststroke 2:38.69 (HTAC)

    • 13-14 100m Breaststroke 1:12.72 (DCSC)


  • Alfred Lai (CGC) – 

    • 11-12 100m Individual Medley 1:20.71

  • Adam Culbert (BWB) – 

    • 17-18 50m Backstroke 31.66


  • Keitha Robert (HTAC) – 

    • 100m Butterfly 1:15.44

    • 100m Individual Medley 1:15.15 


It’s with much appreciation that I extend a thanks to all our coaches, specifically, Head Coaches for their efforts in overcoming many challenges presented upon them over the last twelve months. There efforts have not gone unrecognized – thank you coaches!

Congratulations to the following coaches who were recently identified by Swimming Canada to participate for an additional year in the Select Coaches Group:

  • Miranda Bates (TCSC)

  • Mark McGrann (HTAC)

  • Zoe Miles (SWAT)

Special congratulations to Zoe Miles, who was selected as an Assistant Coach with Swimming Canada’s World Short Course Team and is returning from Abu Dhabi, UAE this week – one of Canada’s top International performing teams in history!! She also participated in their Virtual 400m+ Freestyle Camp earlier this year. Well done Zoe!


Many thanks for all the time and effort that our officials devote to swimming in our province and beyond, our events would not be successful without your support!

Congratulations to the following officials who were appointed to Swimming Canada working groups:

  • Kelley Polley - Officials Competitions Rules Committee (OCRC)

  • Diane MacKenzie – Officials Certification Pathway Review Committee


I would like to acknowledge the hard work by all Board Members – not only the Swim Nova Scotia Board of Directors, but the individual Club Boards. As volunteers, you have been an asset to supporting our organization, coaches, and swim club’s during very difficult times. Thank you for your continued dedication to swimming!

Holiday Virtual Office Partial Closure

The Swim NS virtual office will close December 22nd and reopen January 4th.  I will, however, be available via email should there be any provincial regulation changes related to COVID and to provide support to coaches/clubs that are continuing to train.

I wish everyone a happy and joyous holiday season.

Here’s to a great 2022!

All the best,


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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

COVID-19 Update Training Group Sizes Reduced to 10

Today the Provincial government announced they would be making changes to the Nova Scotia Public Health Regulations that impact the Nova Scotia Sport Guidelines. These changes will come into effect as of 6:00am Wednesday December 22, 2021 and will remain in place until at least January 12, 2022.  


Sanctioned Competitions

  • Continue to be suspended

Practice and Training is Permitted

  • Training group sizes of 10 indoors in each field of play OR 25 outdoors

  • Group training sizes do not require any physical distancing or masks while in the field of play

  • Physical distancing must be maintained between different groups

  • It is recommended that a training group stay together as a single training group for the day if there are multiple practices

  • If coaches can maintain physical distancing from each training group, they would not be considered part of the training group and can coach multiple groups

Please refer to the attached examples of various fields of play in one facility that includes examples of how to separate training groups of 10 with the use of buffer lanes.

Spectators Prohibited

No Spectators will be allowed for any activities

Travel for Sport Limitations Still in Place

Children aged 11 and younger continue to be restricted from entering Nova Scotia to participate in sports and from participating in them outside Nova Scotia.

We ask that all Head Coaches please adjust their training schedules and groups and submit them to Swim Nova Scotia prior to returning to practices on or after Wednesday December 22nd.

Additional details and up to date information can be found on the Nova Scotia Provincial Government webpage. A copy of today’s press release can be found here.

As further information is received from the province, it will be communicated as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime!




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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

COVID-19 Update

December 13, 2021

Today the Provincial government announced they would be making changes to the Nova Scotia Public Health Regulations that impact the Nova Scotia Sport Guidelines. These changes will come into effect as of 9:00 am Friday December 17, 2021 and will remain in place until reviewed in January 2022.



  • 60 indoors in each field of play 

  • Group training sizes do not require any physical distancing or masks while in the field of play

  • Physical distancing must be maintained between different groups

  • The group size of 60 in the field of play does not include facility or venue staff

Please refer to the attached examples of various fields of play in one facility


  • A mask must be always worn while entering and exiting facilities as per Provincial regulations, however:

o    Swim Nova Scotia members, including coaches, officials, swimmers, and volunteers may remove their masks upon arrival to the pool deck (field of play) for the duration of the training session due to poor ventilation in aquatic facilities. They do not have to be actively participating in officiating, swimming, or coaching to remove their mask

o   The Province has indicated that the field of play for Swim Nova Scotia activities is the pool deck

o   Spectators (if permitted by the facility) are required to always wear masks and remain in their designated area


  • In-house (single team) – Class I & Class II Time Trials are permitted

  • Total group size may not exceed 60 participants without physical distancing for sanctioned Time Trials in each field of play

  • We will provide an update on returning to sanctioned multi-team competitions in January when we receive additional information from the Province


  • Children aged 11 and younger continue to be restricted from entering Nova Scotia to participate in sports and from participating in them outside Nova Scotia.

Additional details and up to date information can be found on the Nova Scotia Provincial Government webpage. A copy of today’s press release can be found here.

As further information is received from the Province, it will be communicated as soon as possible.




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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

2021 Candy Cane Invitational Meet Details

Swim NS & Truro Centurions Swim Club are excited to co-host the 2021 Candy Cane Invitational Meet this weekend and welcome everyone to Truro!

The Session Reports and Psych Sheets (as of Dec 6) are now available; please see the important details below.



8:00 – 8:20am 12 & Under

8:20 – 8:55am 13 – 14-Year-olds

8:55 – 9:30am 15 & Over

9:30am Meet Start


3:40 – 4:00pm 12 & Under

4:00 – 5:00pm Open ages

5:00pm Meet Start


2:10 – 2:30pm 12 & Under

2:30 – 3:30pm Open ages

3:30pm Meet Start



  • 2021 Candy Cane Invitational Assignment of Meet Officials as of Dec 9

  • We are still looking for some timers, if you are interested please email Kelley with your preferred position and availability

  • Prelims will be running quickly – 20 second interval. We will not be accommodating missed swims unless it is an official’s error.

  • The live real-time results link will be posted on our live results page

  • Live webcasting will be available online here

  • Results will be available on meet mobile


  • Masks must be worn by everyone while entering/exiting the facility and in all areas of RECC except the pool deck. It is important that as soon as you leave the pool deck masks are worn – please ensure all of your swimmers are wearing masks when they should be.

  • Everyone must enter RECC through the main entrance– swimmers, coaches and officials must give their full name to the VOLUNTEER (and let them know if you are a swimmer/coach/official). They will check your name off the entry list submitted by Swim NS. The volunteer will be at the door 30 minutes before warm-ups begin and through the first hour of warm-ups.

    • Anyone arriving before or after, must check in with the Security/Commissionaire and be prepared to show proof of vaccination AND identification.

  • Access will only be available to Coaches, Swimmers and Officials that are on the entry lists for the specific session

  • Seating for swimmers/coaches will be available on the pool deck only

  • Spectators must check in with the Security/Commissionaire and show proof of vaccination AND identification.

  • Spectators are allowed in the upper viewing gallery (masks must be always worn by spectators) – no spectators on the pool deck please


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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

Nova Tech #2 Meet Details

Information on our second Nova Tech Meets of the season are now available!

Thanks to those of you (and your team) who have signed up as a timer or Official already for the upcoming Nova Tech Meets!  We really appreciate your support.

We are still looking for officials and timers for the South meet (Club Chairs of Officials, please forward the call for officials to your timers/officials); if you are interested in helping, please email your preferred position and availability as outlined below as soon as possible.

NT #2 Central -

In preparation for this weekend’s Nova Tech #1 Central Meet co-hosted by the Dartmouth Crusaders & Swim NS at Dalplex, please find attached the following:

Dalplex Facility Access

Please see the above pool layout diagram which includes swimmer seating and take note of the following information:

  • HTAC Swimmers & Coaches – enter Dalplex through the front doors and use your access cards to enter through the turnstiles

  • SWAT & DCSC Coaches & Swimmers AND all Officials – enter Dalplex through the front doors and check-in with the Dalplex Staff, give them your name and let them know if you are a swimmer, coach or official. Entry lists have been submitted. Only the names on the entry lists will be allowed to access the building.

  •  Spectators  will be permitted with limited capacity and must remain in the designated area – spectators must report to the Dalplex greeter and show proof of vaccination and ID – masks must be worn at all time (including in the bleachers)

  • Swimmers/Coaches/Officials cannot intermix with spectators – they must remain separate

  • Swimmers/Coaches/Officials - Masks must be worn at all times through Dalplex, including the shallow end

  • Swimmers/Coaches/Officials - Masks are optional in the deep end only

  • There will be NO webcast this weekend, hopefully parents/families will be able to attend in person

  • Spectators are encouraged to print your own copies of the Meet Program at home before you arrive - they will not be available at the meet

NT #2 South -

In preparation for this weekend’s Nova Tech South Meet hosted by the Greenwood Dolphins Swim Club, please find attached the following: 

GDSC is still in need of some more timers, if anyone on your team is interested in helping on deck as a timer, please email Danielle  as soon as possible (please ensure Officials are fully registered with your Club as an Official).

 Please note the following:

  • Everyone will be required to show proof of vaccination and ID upon entry to the facility (this includes officials, coaches, spectators and swimmers 12+ eligible to receive vaccinations)

  • Masks are required throughout the facility by everyone; they are optional while on the pool deck. Please be sure you have easy access to your mask at all times

  • No outdoor shoes and/or food on the pool deck.

  • Each club will have an assigned bleacher area on the pool deck

  • Wading/leisure pool is not to be accessed and will be cordoned off – please be sure your swimmers are aware of this and stay away from this area

Important Spectator Information

  • There will be two viewing areas for spectators: one on the main level with bleachers and a second viewing area upstairs by the track, which will be standing only

  • Please note that outdoor shoes must be removed before going up the stairs to the track and children are asked to remain within arm’s reach of their parent/guardian at all times

  • Spectators are not to be on the pool deck

  • Masks must be worn at all times by spectators

 NT #2 North -

In preparation for this weekend’s Nova Tech Meet hosted by the Cape Breton Dorados, please find attached the following:

 Please note the following:

  • The parking lot at the Kiwanis is under construction and parking is reduced. Please be mindful of the swimmers in the parking lot and additional parking can be found in the shopping plaza/ Cineplex

  • Spectators are required to show their double vaccination record at the door, social distancing and their masks must be worn in the building and balcony at all times. Please allow Coaches & Swimmers to enter the facility ahead of spectators.

  • Masks are required throughout the facility by everyone; they are optional while on the pool deck for swimmers, coaches & officials

  • Swimmers/Coaches/Officials upon arrival to the facility, please check-in with the front desk staff and identify yourself as a swimmer/coach/official for the swim meet and give them your name

  • CBD will not be printing programs, please distribute these attachments to your parents. There will be printed copies posted.

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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

2021 David Fry Memorial Bursary Reciepients

The David Fry Memorial Bursary has been established to remember Coach Fry, his contributions to competitive swimming in Nova Scotia, and to encourage swimmers toward excellence.  David Fry left an invaluable legacy to amateur sport in Nova Scotia and in Canada, the legacy of his character; character built on commitment, intensity, discipline, effort, and desire.

On Sunday, Bette El-Hawary, on behalf Alex Young, David Fry’s partner presented this year’s recipients of the David Fry Memorial Bursary to Caitlin Taylor and Liam Ferguson from Dalhousie University and Bowen Stokesbury-Price from Acadia University.  

All three swimmers have excelled in and out of the pool; they have worked hard and reached the highest level of achievement in their academic courses while continuing to excel in the sport that they love!  

Caitlin graduated from Charle P Allen High School in Bedford and swam for the Sackville Waves Aquatic Team.

Liam graduated from Sir John A High School in Tantallon and swam for the Halifax Trojan Aquatic Club.

Bowen graduated from Horton High School and swam for the Wolfville Tritons Swim Club.

All three are pursuing their Bachelor of Sciences Degree at their respective universities and graduated with distinction from high school. 

Both Bowen and Liam were members of Swim Nova Scotia’s Next Gen Provincial Team last season.  

Each year awards may be made from the Fund to promising, Nova Scotia swimmers to assist them to continue their training, education, and pursuit of their swimming goals as they pursue their University education.

Please contact Swim Nova Scotia to make your contribution to the David Fry Memorial Bursary:

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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

AUS Kemp Fry Invitational Meet Details

In preparation for the upcoming AUS Kemp-Fry Invitational hosted by the Dal Tigers November 26 - 28th, 2021 at Dalplex Pool, please see the Session Reports and Psych Sheets (as of Nov 23).

Thanks to all of the Officials who have volunteered - the Assignment of Officials is now available here as of Nov 25

Results will be available on meet mobile and at the following Live Results Link

AUS WebTV will be broadcasting during finals on Saturday and Sunday only

Spectators are welcome to attend and must remain in designated spectator areas (Upper Bleachers and Shallow End Bleachers ONLY - please no intermixing with swimmers/coaches/officials). Proof of vaccination and ID are required upon entry into Dalplex and masks must be worn at all times (including while in the spectator areas).

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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

Acadia AGD #2 Meet Details

Many thanks in advance to all officials helping out this weekend on deck at the Acadia Pool – we really appreciate your time!

 Assignment of Meet Officials as of November 16th, 2021. We are still looking for a few more officials on Saturday Session II and Sunday Session III; if interested, please email Sue as soon as possible.

In preparation for this weekend’s Acadia Age Group Meet, please find attached the following:

Psych Sheets as of November 15

Session Reports as of November 15

Results will be available on meet mobile and on our webpage under the ‘Live Results’ tab

Please note the following:

Warm-ups will be split by age group: 

Block A - 12 & Under Girls & Boys

Block B – 13-14 Year Old Girls & Boys

Block C – 15 & Over Girls & Boys

    • Session 1 –

      • Block A – 8:00 – 8:30am

      • Block B – 8:30 – 9:00am

      • Block C – 9:00 – 9:30am

    • Session 2

      • Block A – 2:30 – 2:50pm

      • Block B – 2:50 – 3:10pm

      • Block C – 3:10 – 3:30pm

    • Session 3

      • Block A – 8:30 – 9:00am

      • Block B – 9:00 – 9:30am

      • Block C – 9:30 – 10:00am

NOTE: Swimmers will be asked to clear the pool ~3 minutes before the scheduled warm-up end time to allow enough time to transition to the next Block and to ensure the meet starts on time



  • Masks must be worn by everyone while entering/exiting the facility and in all areas of the Acadia Athletics Complex except the pool deck, where they are optional. It is important that as soon as you leave the pool deck masks are worn – please ensure you are wearing masks when you are not on the deck/pool.

  • Everyone must enter the Acadia Athletics Complex through the main entrance – swimmers, coaches and officials must give their full name to the front desk staff (and let them know if you are a swimmer/coach/official). They will check your name off the entry list submitted by Swim NS.

    • We have notified Acadia of all participants vaccination status, therefore you should not need to show proof… BUT, please be prepared to show proof of vaccination AND identification if you are asked.

  • Access will only be available to Coaches, Swimmers and Officials that are on the entry lists for the specific session


  • We will accommodate swimmers & coaches in the upper viewing gallery (upper bleachers) in the designated swimmer seating area (see attached – left wing if facing the bleachers from the start end) in addition to the pool deck


We are excited to welcome spectators, however, to ensure everyone’s safety and to adhere to Acadia University regulations, we must work together and respect the following:

    • Limited numbers of spectators will be allowed in the designated spectator seating area in the upper viewing gallery (centre and right wing if facing the bleachers from the start end)

    • The upper viewing gallery (bleachers) will open 15 minutes before the scheduled meet start time for spectators

      • Session 1: 9:15am

      • Session 2: 3:15pm

      • Session 3: 9:45am

    • Capacity is limited; therefore, we ask that parents be respectful to others and only sit in the bleachers to watch their child(ren) race and then leave and others to come in… this will help ensure that everyone has the opportunity watch

    • All spectators must show proof of vaccination and ID when they arrive at the facility

    • Masks must be worn at all times (including when in the stands)

    • Physical Distancing in the stands is required for all spectators

    • Only swimmers and coaches may sit in the ‘Swimmer and Coach’ seating area

    • We ask that all spectators/families/parents respect the above regulations so we can continue to welcome spectators at all of our events

    • Please see the diagram below to better understand the seating



The Acadia Christmas Craft Expo will be happening in the Rink at the Acadia Athletics Complex on November 20th and 21st from 10:00am – 6:00pm on Saturday and 10:00am – 5:00pm on Sunday. 

This is always a very popular event for Wolfville and the surrounding communities, which means there will be a lot of cars parking in the Acadia Athletics Complex parking lot. Participants & families who are attending the swim meet that arrive before the warmups will likely not have issues finding parking, however if you leave and return on Saturday for Session II, it may be challenging. Please plan accordingly.

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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

Mass Officials Clinic Information

Swim Nova Scotia will be hosting a Mass Officials Clinic on Sunday November 14th, 2021.  Clinics will take place at the Sport NS Building at 5516 Spring Garden Road, Halifax and some will be offered virtually in addition to being offered in-person.

 A draft schedule is available here. If you are interested in signing up for any course, please send your name and which Club you are from to Kelley by Friday November 12th.  Kelley will send back an email confirmation and a link to download the necessary materials along with the Zoom meeting links where necessary.

 All participants must be registered as an Official with Swim NS - if you are not yet registered, please complete the Swim NS Registration Package and submit it to your Club Chair of Officials or to Kelley when you sign up for your course(s).

There are no costs associated with any of the clinics.

We look forward to seeing you on the pool deck soon!! 

Thank you!

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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

Nova Tech #1 Meet Details

Information on our first Nova Tech Meet of the season is now available!

Thanks to those of you (and your team) who have signed up as a timer or Official already for the upcoming Nova Tech Meets!  We really appreciate your support.

We are still looking for officials and timers for the South & North meets (Club Chairs of Officials, please forward the call for officials to your timers/officials); if you are interested in helping, please email your preferred position and availability as outlined below as soon as possible.

NT #1 Central – Facility Access

Facility access will only be available to Coaches, Swimmers and Officials that are on the entry lists for this meet. There will be no spectators. We continue to work with Dalplex to find safe solutions for spectator access for future events.

  • HTAC Swimmers & Coaches – enter Dalplex through the front doors and use your access cards to enter through the turnstiles

  • All other Participants (Coaches, Officials & Swimmers) – enter Dalplex through the front doors and check-in with the Dalplex Staff, give them your name and let them know if you are a swimmer, coach or official. Entry lists have been submitted. Only the names on the entry lists will be allowed to access the building.

  • Masks must be worn at all times through Dalplex, including the shallow end

  • Masks are optional in the deep end only

  • Webcasting will be available from 1:00 – 2:30pm online here

NT #1 Central Assignment of Meet Officials as of Nov 5

Dalplex Pool Layout - Including Seating for NT #1 Central

NT #1 Central Psych Sheets

NT #1 Central Session Reports

NT #1 South – 

All individuals 12 and over who enter the Acadia Athletics Complex may be asked to provide proof of vaccination and a valid id. Please be prepared upon arrival. Spectators are welcome in the upstairs gallery, masks are required to be worn while in the facility, including while sitting in the stands – spectators are asked to social distance.

NT #1 South Assignment of Meet Officials as of Nov 4

NT #1 South Psych Sheets

NT #1 South Session Reports

NT #1 North –

All individuals 12 and over who enter the RECC will require proof of vaccination and a valid id. Spectators are welcome in the upstairs gallery (masks must be worn at all times). Please be prepared upon arrival.

NT #1 North Assignment of Meet Officials as of Nov 4

NT #1 North Psych Sheets as of Nov 5

NT #1 North Session Reports as of Nov 4

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Bette El-Hawary Bette El-Hawary

Dal Relay & Sprint Meet Details

In preparation for the first age group development meets of the season (first since March 2020!!) please review the information outlined below:

Assignment of Meet Officials Dal Relay & Sprint Meets

Dal Relay Meet Session Reports Saturday October 23, 2021

Dal Relay Meet Psych Sheets Saturday October 23, 2021

Dal Sprint Meet Session Reports Sunday October 24, 2021

Dal Sprint Meet Psych Sheets Sunday October 24, 2021


  • Masks must be worn by everyone while entering/exiting the facility and in all areas of Dalplex except the pool deck and bleachers. It is important that as soon as you leave the pool deck masks are worn – please ensure you are wearing masks when you are not on the deck/pool.

  • Facility access will only be available to Coaches, Swimmers and Officials that are on the entry lists for the specific session. There will be no spectators.

  • Everyone must enter Dalplex through the main entrance (turnstiles) – swimmers, coaches and officials must give their full name to the front desk staff (and let them know if you are a swimmer/coach/official). They will check your name off the entry list submitted by Swim NS. NOTE: All Dal Tigers and Halifax Trojan Swimmers do not need to do this, please use your access cards to enter the building as you normally would.

    • We have notified Dalplex of all participants vaccination status, therefore you should not need to show proof… BUT, please be prepared to show proof of vaccination AND identification if you are asked.

  • NOTE – the toilet in the men’s locker room on the pool deck has been removed.  Please be advised that all males will need to use the male locker room toilet on the second floor. Apologies for the inconvenience.


  • Live Meet Results will be available on our homepage (click the button on the upper right “Live Results” on the main page)

  • Live Meet Results will be available on the Meet Mobile app (for those that have this)

  • Live Web-stream will be available on:

    Note there will be no broadcast (commentators) on Saturday, only Sunday. If you experience technical difficulties, please be patient and refresh your page.

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